
Information on this page includes educational resources that were presented to the Reuther Middle School staff during professional development and/or collegial conversations. Suggestions can be given for additions to the page.

Book Club

Passionate Readers: The Art of Reaching & Engaging Every Child by
Pernille Ripp

Professional Articles

The 4 Things Modern Students Must Understand by Eric Patnoudes
Chris Tovani on ‘Helping Fake Readers’ Become Proficient Life-Long Readers
Making Textbook Reading Meaningful by John T. Guthrie and Susan Lutz Klauda

Reading Resources

Adapting Text for Diverse Learners 
Close and Critical Reading by Michigan Mission Possible
Oakland Schools Literacy Team

Text Sets

Creating Text Sets for Whole-Class Instruction

Guide to Creating Text Sets


Teaching Vocabulary Across the Curriculum by William P. Bintz

Teacher Talk

Close Reading in
6th Grade Social Studies
by FisherandFrey